
  • Engineering & Construction


BC Hydro

Project Date




The Lower Arrow Lakes Reservoir Wildlife Enhancement program involved creating, protecting, and enhancing habitat for nesting and migratory birds and wildlife.

The design included creating a mixture of shallow and deep wetland habitat in the drawdown zone of the Lower Arrow Lakes Reservoir. The site on Burton flats has a gentle slope towards the reservoir with old gravel mining pits that have served as habitat at low elevations. The existing slough/watercourse that runs along the site parallel to Highway 6 is fed by shallow subsurface flow from Burton Creek comes to the surface in several areas around the site.

Pond construction included the the installation of piezometers on the wet fringes of the wetlands. The placement of the mounds were determined once the area was stripped and the material from the pond excavations sorted. Delivery of the mound fill material was transported using track dumpers, placed and track-compacted according to the design shape and elevation for the mound core. Habitat enhancement also included the installation of snags, buried mound logs and habitat logs.

Project Photos